Monday, May 16, 2011

VOTE FOR LEVY? ........

I applaud the cost saving actions that our school district has recently undertaken, But before we ask taxpayers to dig a little deeper, into already leaner pockets, there are still some questions to be answered.

Why has the district created a new position to write "curriculum's" with an $80,000 dollar price tag?

Our District has 530,000.00 in a dedicated shortfall fund from the last levy.

Our District has 330 full time employees,(who collect full benefits) of which 145 are certified teachers. Does it really take 185 non teaching positions to support our teachers?

Can our busing system be more efficient? Buses running four times a day over the same roads with very few students raise questions in efficiency.

Instead of a "Cadillac policy" should not our Districts health care policy match the majority of those in the private sector?

Do we really need a principal at every school? Can we look at the possibility of splitting a principal between two smaller schools?

Can management become a little less top heavy and do more with fewer personnel?

Recent State tax revenues have increased, promising new money for our district--up to 400,000.00.

It's time for our district to find the best way to educate our kids with the resources they have, we do sympathize with them over the loss funding, however, none of us believe that this large recession that we are in, is something only the private sector should experience. The district will not look into more efficient ways of operating if this levy passes, why should it? Until all areas are seriously addressed for efficiency and savings to balance our districts budgets--- you should vote no on this coming school levy. It's the right thing for all of our families budgets-it's the right thing for you.

1 comment:

  1. Check out the 'note' that I wrote on my Facebook page for my comment. :)
